Fumio Keshia, India's prime minister, and Narendra Modi, his Indian counterpart, reached an agreement Saturday after discussing Russia's invasion in Ukraine. In a joint statement, they said that Russia is threatening to undermine the international order. Modi did not mention Russia during the news conference. India is friendly with Russia and has abstained from the U.N. General Assembly's resolution against Russia's invasion in Ukraine. The Indian prime minister stated that his country would work together to create an Indo-Pacific region free of violence and open to all. Modi and Keshia met for the first time in person since their election. The exchange of leaders between India and Japan is only once per year. However, Modi's October 2018 visit to Japan meant that the Japanese prime minister had to announce plans to invest 5 trillion in India over the next five years.

* Japan spokesman's Okinawa trip begins path to prove his presence within government

Hiromasa Matsuno, Chief Cabinet Secretary, sought Okinawa Governor. Denny Tamaki's view on the central government’s plan to move the Fatima Air Station of the U.S. Marine Corps in Ginuwine to the Henock region in NGO. Tamaki demanded that the relocation work be stopped immediately after the two met at Okinawa's prefectural government offices on Saturday. "I want the central Okinawa prefectural governments and Matsuno to hold talks about this issue at the earliest chance. As a cabinet Minister, Matsuno has to reduce Okinawa's burden of hosting U.S. bases. Given the need for the Japan-U.S. Alliance to deter Japan and eliminate Fatima Air Station's dangers, relocation to Henock will be the only solution." Matsuno stressed. Matsudo's first visit to Okine the largest faction of the Liberal Democratic Party. His performance as chief secretary to the cabinet will be an indicator of his ability to increase his presence within the faction.

* Inheriting Saga's line:

On Saturday, the chief cabinet secretary participated in a roundtable discussion with Ginuwine residents. Matsuno responded to a citizen who said residents live with fear of an airplane crash. He stated that it was important for Henock to relocate the Fatima Air Station as soon as possible. Prior to the Ginuwine dialogue Matsuno visited a Naha Hotel to meet NGO Mayor Takemoto Touchy as well as representatives from the Henock area. Matsuno was asked about development programs and noise pollution. Tamaki has shown his determination to use all prefectural authority to prevent the Fátima base from being relocated to the Henock area. Matsudo's coordination skills will be tested in this context. Tamaki, chief cabinet secretary, spoke to reporters about base issues and Okinawa development funds, saying that they were related.

* Huge opportunity:

Matsuno was not an elite candidate for chief cabinet secretary. After working for a private firm, he attended the Matsushita Institute of Government and Management established by Konosuke Matsushita, founder of Panasonic Corp. to train future leaders. Matsuno was first elected to the House of Representatives in 2000. Matsuno was the Chairperson of LDP's Policy Research Council. There, he worked on creating policies regarding employment issues. Matsudo's meticulous work on such occasions earned him praise from Keshia and probably helped him secure the post of chief secretary to the cabinet. Former prime minister Shinzo Abe, who is from the Hosed party, named Matsuno and two others in a monthly magazine as strong candidates for the role of prime minister. While Haida and Nishimura have close ties to Abe, Matsuno has been seen as not having the exposure and ability of Nishimura or Nishimura. Matsuno has a great opportunity to grow his career by being chief cabinet secretary.

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