1. To familiarize students with the area, host local tours.

Students can enjoy walking tours, bus tours and bike tours. This is a great way to meet new people and to get to know the surrounding area. Highlight local landmarks, restaurants, recreation areas, or monuments. Invite parents to visit during orientation weekends or senior students to be part of the tour staff. Students will have the opportunity to earn extra income and share their personal stories about the area.

2. Students can go on nature trips with you.

Horticulture tours are a great way to show off the unique biology of your college town, whether you're a student who loves botany or the outdoors. You will be able to visit local gardens and identify hiking opportunities. To teach the tour participants about endangered species and the local conservation organizations, connect with the agriculture department.

3. Students can host "crawls" to provide transportation.

Bar crawls are something we've all heard about. The group hops on a bus to explore the city, stopping at local bars and indulgently. Not all "crawls” have to be related to alcohol. Partner with local transportation agencies to host market crawls, garden crawls and museum event crawls. You can even have a burger or taco crawl for students. By highlighting "unique eats", students can help local businesses and new students to find their favorites.

4. Involve the community and campus in scavenger hunts.

You have many options for engaging students with local scavenger hunting. Students will learn more about campus and local businesses by engaging them in an interactive challenge. 

5. Connect students with local charities and volunteer opportunities.

To connect students with local activist groups and non-profit organizations, host a community service fair. Instruct students about civic duty and public service. Encourage students to organize campus services and raise funds for charity.

6. Become a speaker or host TED Talks.

Invite activists, philosophers, writers, journalists, entrepreneurs and other inspiring speakers to come visit campus and give their advice. Ask students for their opinions and to discover what interests them. Host TED Talks on campus and encourage student participation. Social media is a great way to promote events. Potential attendees should be provided with a bio of the speaker, their achievements, and the unique perspective that they bring to the event.

7. Organize recurring events to connect alumni with students.

Invite former students to come back regularly to speak with current students. Honor alumni who are outstanding in their chosen field or have made significant contributions to their degree fields. Inclusion of former students who use their degrees in innovative or interesting ways is also encouraged. Invite activists, artists, and entrepreneurs. As they help current students to see the potential of the future, and make connections that could prove beneficial after graduation,

8. To kick-off a mentorship program, host an event.

College can be a difficult time for many students. Many students will be away from their families for the first time, and they may need to have an icebreaker to make friends. Mentorship programs can be created to connect students with other students who have experienced similar difficulties or experiences. This could include students from the LGBTQ+ community, students who are struggling with addiction, grieving, or students who have lost their loved ones. Students who are outside their economic, social, and political comfort zones can be supported. Promote diversity, inclusion, & intersectionality

9. Teaching life lessons and "adulting" classes.

Many high schools do not prepare students for life skills such as budgeting, cooking and filing taxes. Fun classes are a great way to teach college students relevant skills. You can teach them time management and budgeting skills. This will help you prepare for future loan payments. Students will be able to learn basic skills such as home maintenance and auto repair. Have fun with the class topics. A "dorm-room cooking class" could be held that teaches students how to cook restaurant-quality meals in the microwave.

10. Students can relax by participating in free activities that de-stress.

It can be extremely stressful to live as a student. It can be difficult to balance classes, homework, papers and exams. For many students, this can lead to a full-time job. Students should be involved in campus-wide stress-reduction activities, especially during exam season. Exercise is a great way to boost your mental health. You can partner with local instructors to hold yoga, Pilates or other outdoor creative events in the park. If you are looking for something more fun, host a Campus Scream right during final exams, when tensions are high. Invite students to meet at a designated time and place to vent their frustrations. Encourage students to shout as loudly as possible and let go of their stress. Fitness instructors who offer classes are likely to attract new clients. After the screamathon, students can be refueled and soothed by local cafes. This is another great way for students to get in touch with local businesses.

11. Host unique, creative and fun campus sporting events.

Many campuses have their standard sports teams, such as football, basketball, soccer and baseball. While not all students are avid sports fans, most are interested in having fun and learning new things. You can host quidditch matches at the park, or advertise a campus-wide competition for LARP (live action role playing). Who wouldn't love to see a group of medieval-looking adults battling each other with rubber swords. Local businesses can have tables set up and sell themed merchandise.

12. A Student Farmer's Market promotes student health.

According to an American College Health Association study, 95% of college students aren't eating the recommended daily intake of fruits and veggies. Additionally, dorm food is often made up of pizza rolls, ramen, and other items from the dining hall. And, let's face it, these options are not very healthy. Access to affordable, healthy ingredients would be a huge benefit for many students who struggle with food insecurity. Partner with local farmers, artisans, and vendors to create a Farmers Market for students. This will encourage students to shop locally and provide them with fresh, organic food. To teach students about the process of growing food and how they affect the environment, partner with the food science and agriculture departments. If space is available, consider establishing a community garden on campus where students can learn how they can grow fresh farm-fresh food.

13. Film festivals for students and host film competitions.

Sponsor a student film contest to connect film, theater, art and design. Encourage students to form their own teams and meet others. Students must be able to produce, direct, edit and direct a short film within a time frame of 24 hours. The films will be screened at a local theater, or on campus. Invite local critics to help you choose the judges.

14. Host a tournament for students to connect with gamers.

Hosting tournaments for online and classic gamers is a great idea. Invite students to meet up in a shared area of campus to play in video games competitions. Mini-tournaments can be held in dorms by schools that don't have enough A/V equipment. Students are asked to bring their own monitors or game systems. Call of Duty, FIFA, Super Smash Brothers and FIFA are all fan favorites. To get the party started, you can contact local businesses to sell delicious treats or invite energy drink sellers. Promote prizes, online recognition and serious bragging rights.

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